Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 11 – Umar b. al-Khattab – PT 01

In this informative talk about the early life of the second Khalifa Umar Ibn-Al-Khattab RA, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi helps us gather deep insights on his illustrious journey and the various incidents that set precedent for a fine advocate of sorts of Islam.

He was born in Banu Adi family, a tribe of Quraish in Makkah. His name is Abu Hafs, Umar al Faruq Ibn Khattab Ibn Nufayl Ibn Abdil Uzza Ibn Adi Ibn Ka’ab who was white skinned, tall and stout, sturdy, and strong.He was educated by his father, al Khattab.He was obliged to herd his camels every day. He endured a difficult and exhausting life which inevitably moulded him into a harsh man.Before embracing Islam, Umar was among the harshest man in his hostility to Islam.

Shaykh Yasir also divulges facts on this noble man’s character.He was an intelligent person and a renowned public speaker and successful ambassador of Quraish. Umar (RA) is an embodiment of justice, principles, piety, humility,bravery, strength and character. He performed all his roles whether personal or professional with intensity.

This talk takes us on a journey that shall cite the various factors that turned this harsh man towards Islam and how he played a great role in spreading Islam.