Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 20 – Umar b. al-Khattab – PT 09

In the last session on Umar Ibn Al-Khattab RA , Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi cites numerous hadith that were narrated by the great khalifah and we have a count of 539 of them.

Numerous topics were touched base upon via these hadith by Umar RA. Some of them that can be highlighted were pertaining to Nafl prayers, ghusl during janabah, living in luxury, doubts on the janazah of a hypocrite, kissing of the Hajr e Aswad, commenting on the plague in Syria, refuting the Ansar about having two leaders and many more .

Please do watch the video to explore the various factors and conditions behind these hadith and how these touch our lives in various ways and how we should learn from them and act accordingly.