Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2016 – Surat al-Baqarah – Day 7

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an understanding of Ayats 17 onwards of Surah Al Baqarah. In these Ayaah, we understand hypocrisy( Nifaq) with more examples. Allah SWT has described everything with examples in the Quran.

The lessons that can be imbibed from these Ayahs are:

  • No one can guide or help a person, who does not seek help from Allah.
  • A hypocrite cannot imitate others in guidance due to being blind to the truth.
  • The Munafiqeen are a lost cause and are blocked off from guidance in every way

An example is given in relation to the hypocrites by saying that they are like a person who started a fire when the fire was lit, and illuminated the surrounding area, the person benefited from it and felt safe. Then the fire was suddenly extinguished. Such is the case with the hypocrites who preferred misguidance over guidance, deviation over righteousness.

Allah SWT is pointing here towards the darkness of the heart. When does a person lose Noor (light) of the heart? This happens when his heart is filled with worldly wishes, shirk, and hypocrisy. Those who don’t want help Allah SWT also doesn’t help them. So a hypocrite that pretends Islam and conceals Kufr, will not benefit since he does not truly believe in Islam. 

Some additional characteristics of the hypocrites are described in the next Ayat that they are deaf, dumb and blind to Allah SWT because they do not have Iman and they do not give attention towards the right path. They do not want to listen and even if they listen they do not accept it. The only thing visible to them is the difficulties in the way of Islam, but they cannot observe the permanent benefits out of these difficulties.