Yasir Qadhi – Beautiful Names of Allah – 10

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi divulges details on the name of Allah which is Al-Mu’min, that is, the One who believes and provides security and safety.  This name occurs once in the Qur’an.

Al Mu’min prove the truth and Iman of the Prophets by giving them miracles. Al Mu’min solidifies our Iman.

Allah has guaranteed the creation that He will never be unjust. He shall grant peace and security in this world with the supreme one being the peace of mind. He will also protect the believing creation from the fear and insecurities on the Day of Judgement.

We should recite this name diligently when we feel anxiety and a trepidation of fear.

The Prophetic Dua – Aamin rau ‘atina.