Tim Humble – Aqeedah – Session 4 of 4

Deviancy in Aqeedah

What Will You Learn In These Last Two Session


For every belief that we have spoken about (and those that we haven’t covered), there is a deviancy in belief which corresponds to it.

For example, for each of the six pillars of faith, there are deviations which correspond to each of the six pillars.

A History of Deviancy in Aqeedah

The time of prophet hood — almost no deviancy; primary concern is from the Jews.

The time of the companions — the appearance of the Qadariyyah, the Khawaarij

– The hadith of Hudhayfah and ‘Umar

– The death of ‘Umar

– The plots of the munaafiqeen against ‘Uthmaan

– The death of ‘Uthmaan

– The split of the companions

– The death of ‘Ali

The time of the umayyids — deviancy spreads, but is still in its infancy.

– The consensus about obeying the ruler, and the events which lead to it.

– Ja’d ibn Dirham and Jahm ibn Safwan — the Jahmiyyah

– Waá¹£il ibn Aá¹­aa (131 AH) and ‘Amr ibn ‘Ubayd (d. 143 AH) and the beginning of the Mu’tazilah

The time of the ‘abbasids (132AH onwards) — Greek philosophy is translated, and deviancy becomes wide spread, including the names and attributes of Allah.