Hasan Ali – Analysing The Lives Of The Prophets – Episode 53

Sheikh Hasan in his Lives of The Prophets series takes on the two venerated prophets Musa a.s. and his brother, Harun a s.

Prior to delving into their lives, Sheikh Hasan sets the stage first. He introduces to his listeners the pharoahs and what life under their rule was like for the Banu Israel.

He then gives us Prophet Musa’s history by way of referring to the many verses in the Quran that refer to this great prophet of Allah.

A lot of work and research has been put into these talks to make them filled with fact after fact after fact. Within the comfort of our homes, we are able to enter the palace of the pharoah and actually visualize the meeting between him and Musa a.s.

And Sheikh Hasan does not stop there. He also relates everything that Musa a.s and Harun a.s. faced to the current state of affairs in our daily lives – the politics of life- thus taking this tale from the realm of history to reality.

This is a definite must listen to series.