Yasir Qadhi – The Branches of Faith – 13 – Belief in Qadr

In this contemplative talk, Shaykh Yasir motivates us to believe firmly in the Qadr or Predestination. As he moves from one hadith to another, we are acquainted with the essence of Qadr and some misconceptions which we may have had before regarding this very belief are laid to rest.

Belief in Qadr encompasses various signs which are – affirmation of faith and belief in one God, trust and love for Allah, increase in the Ibadah and Ikhlas towards Allah, lack of fear towards anyone, acceptance of whatever happens in our life with sabr and shukr, conquer anxiety and lack of selfishness and greed.

Shaykh Yasir elaborates on the meaning of Qadr and how it is actually beyond the realm of human intelligence and comprehension since it involves understanding the existence, essence and the infinite knowledge of Allah SWT.

We are also made to ponder over the famous hadith which touches base on the most infamous question which we have in our minds at all times – if everything has been predestined for us already, why bother doing anything at all? The answer to this pertinent query is given in the simplest manner such that it just hits our heart perfectly with absolute clarity.

Watch the enlightening talk to find out more on the topic of Qadr.