Yasir Qadhi – Helm of Change

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives us an awesome and amazing lecture on the need of the hour which is to be the baton holder of the helm of change.

How can one set this noble deed into motion? Well, the methods are many but the Shaykh promises us imminent results with something called the scientific butterfly effect that once embedded into our lives is surely set to make a elaborate transition in the way we conduct our lives.

What does one mean by the butterfly effect? It is basically setting forth into action, a set of good deeds which will set the base for many more such good deeds of khair and in the process, a domino effect will be created.

We are acquainted with numerous stories in the Seerah and the lives of Khalid Ibn Al Waleed RA, that lay the foundation of this very effect and hence, we should not trivialize any noble act done by us. It may not reap benefits almost immediately, but it is sure to make an effective change for the better somewhere else and some time definitely.

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi explicitly tries to make us understand and fathom the result of this effect and implores us to make it binding upon ourselves to wok for the larger good and be a source of khair for others always.