Yasir Qadhi – Towards Understanding Surah Yusuf – 19

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi recites the verses 99 to 104 of Surah Yusuf which is the conclusion of the story of Yusuf AS.

The return of Yaqub AS with his family to Egypt and the reunion with his beloved son, Yusuf AS was a beautiful one. Yusuf AS hugged his parents tight and it was an emotional union and he raised his parents on to the throne of the kingdom to honour and respect them. When he did this, all of the 11 brothers and parents fell in prostration to Yusuf AS, thus, bringing his dream as a child to a full circle of interpretation as it achieves actuality.

The practice of prostration to another human being as a predominant sign of respect was only valid until the time of Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ forbade this vehemently in his time. 

Prophet Yusuf AS was full of gratitude for the fact that he could provide his family with comfort and respect. The perfection of the character of Yusuf AS comes to the fore when he avoids mentioning the sins committed by his brothers to avoid causing them distress.

Yusuf AS mentions an Attribute of Allah. Allah is Al Lateef. What does this mean?

Yusuf AS makes a powerful Dua at this juncture. What is this beautiful Dua? It is something not to be missed and makes for a very mesmerising listen.