Daood Butt – 30 in 30 Daily Quran Explanation #23

In this lesson we learn about the 21st Juzz / Part of The Quran, which begins from Verse 28 of Surah Yaseen until its end, Surah Al-Saaffaat (Those Who Set the Ranks), Surah Saad, and the first 31 verses of Surah Al-Zumar (The Groups),

Items we cover are:
– Pleasures of those who attain Paradise
– The ones who set the ranks
– Stars
– Questioning of those on thier way to Jahannam
– Friends can be a blessing or a nightmare
– The Tree of Zaqqoom
– Prophet Dawoud makes a quick judgement
– Prophet Ayoub is given in return more than what he lost
– Allah dislikes disbelief and turning away from Him when not in need