Ashraf Schneider – Does God Exist

This short audio gives a brief insight into knowing the existence of God.

Some of the areas we’ll explore are:

  • In our understanding of existence, God poses fundamental problems in Quran 52:35-36 – “Were they created from nothing or were they themselves the creators? Did they create the universe and the earth – No, they are not certain”
  • Can something come from nothing
  • Can something bring itself into existence
  • Could this existence/universe be an outcome from a prior existence/universe
  • What would satisfy these fundamental questions/problems.
  • A creator needs to be uncreated
  • Creator needs to be all-knowing
  • Creator needs to be all-powerful
  • A creator needs to be self-sufficient
  • Ancient Quran verses and recent scientific findings – Quran 21:30 and 78:67