Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2022 – The Manners of The Believers #07 – Being Trustworthy (Amanah)

Of the characteristics of the believer is trustworthiness (amānah).In Episode 7 of my Ramaḍān series, I discuss the importance of fulfilling our trusts, and the types and categories of trust, and how the Quran and Sunnah praises this noble characteristic. It is interesting to note that the word for being trustworthy (amānah) is from the same root as faith (imān), and in fact in a Prophetic hadīth, he (SAW) said, “There is no imān in the one who has no amānah.” The reason why the two are related is because when we believe in Allah (imān), we feel a sense of serenity and peace; and the only way to be close to someone is to feel safe in their presence and trust them (amānah). Of the categories of amānah is to fulfill your promises, and guard a person’s secrets, and do your duties assigned to you diligently. The greatest amānah to fulfill is the amānah that is owed to Allah: to believe in Him, and worship Him in accordance with the Sharī’ah.