Aarij Anwer – A Juz A Day (9th): Truth v. Falsehood Part 2 feat. Moses/Pharoah + Moses/Israelites

The 9th Juz begins with Al-A’raaf a. 88 and ends with Al-Anfaal a. 40.

Link to the notes: https://tinyurl.com/AJuzADayNotes

Story of Shuaib, a. 85-93 (financially corrupt)
Physical intimidation and barring of people
Some lessons and commentary, a. 94-102
Tough times to break arrogance, a. 94
Isn’t there significant lesson in the stories of these fallen cities? a. 100
Musa and Firawn, a. 103-137
Firawn and his chiefs
Unexpected results from the magicians, a. 121
Patience and strength is required before victory, a. 128
Allah tests the Pharoah and his people, a. 130-135
Allah saves Bani Israil, a. 137
Musa and Bani Israil, a. 138-172
Bani Israil’s pathetic behavior, a. 138
Musa goes to meet Allah, 141-143
Bani Israil’s pathetic behavior, a. 148
Musa returns, a. 150
The Prophet (S) was mentioned to them, a. 157
The Sabbath, a. 163-166
Not all of them were bad though, a. 168
An important lesson, a. 169
The Fitrah: Adam and his children, a. 172-174
“The man who We gave our signs”, a. 175-178
Conclusion (people of the truth – who they are and how Allah supports them), a. 196-end