AbdelRahman Murphy – In The Shade Of The Prophet

There is nothing more desirable on a hot day than enjoying the shade. To benefit from shade wherever it is, it requires that you be up close and in the right direction. Similarly, to enjoy the shade of the Prophet (s) we need to learn the prophetic biography and make it personal.

But how do we relate to Rasulallah (s)? Firstly, our speaker reminds us that Prophet Muhammad (s) was human. He was sent to us from among us so that we can relate and make that personal connection. The sunnah never becomes irrelevant. It’s classic, not outdated. As time goes on, it increases in value. When we make that personal connection our love for him and his sacrifices can grow. Through love, we see the real mechanism by which the companions had the fuel to imitate and sacrifice for the Prophet (s). After all, love is an action.

Do you love the Prophet (s)? If you do, how do you imitate the Prophet (s)? What sacrifices do you make for the message he brought to us? Now are you sure you love the Prophet (s)?

Watch as Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy reminds us of the sunnahs Prophet Muhammad (s) left us on topics like prom, marriage, desires, and depression.