Ali Albarghouthi – Heart Therapy 3 – Hadith

Explanation of the 3rd hadith in the Heart Therapy Series:
The Messenger salla Allahi alayhi wa sallam said: (Fitan [pl. fitnah] will be presented to the heart, like the weaving of a straw mat, straw after straw. Any heart that absorbs them will have a black dot left in it and any heart that rejects them will have a white dot left in it. In the end there will be two types of hearts left: one white like a smooth and solid stone with no fitnah able to harm it as long as the heavens and earth endure, and another black and turbid, like an overturned vessel, that does not abide by virtue or reject evil except what agrees with its desire-soaked heart)
Reported by Muslim (124)