Aarij Anwer – The Prophet (S) Visits Saad

The Prophet (S) visits his companion Saad when he falls extremely sick. This brief visit holds a treasure of lessons: the care of the Prophet (S) for others, the incredible mindset of the sahaba, the nature of religious discourse and more.

Aarij Anwer – Best of Both Worlds – The Prophet’s Most Frequent Dua

The dua the Prophet (S) would make most frequently is mentioned in Surah Baqarah, ayah 201. This lecture explains the meaning of this dua, what does “hasanah” mean and how we should look at life and spirituality.

Aarij Anwer – Dealing with Disabilities

Dealing with Disabilities. Last Friday, I gave khutbah on dealing with disabilities in light of the story of Ayub (Job) in the Qur’an. His story teaches us to rethink how we look at suffering, pain and disability. Once we do so, we gain the strength to cope. We don’t say, “God, why me?” Instead we … Read more