AbdelRahman Murphy – Tips: How to conquer laziness

Laziness is a disease of the heart which can paralyze the potential of a person. In the modern era of fast-food, high-speed internet, 4G data on our phones, it’s difficult to live an active lifestyle and beat procrastination. What are some tips from the life of the Prophet Muhammad [saw] on conquering laziness? And what … Read more

AbdelRahman Murphy – Spending Time with the Divine

One of the noble characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was his connection to Allah (SWT). In this video, Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy talks about how we should emulate that connection within ourselves too.

AbdelRahman Murphy – Happiness in the Home

How many of us can honestly say we prefer sitting with our family over our friends? Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy talks about the importance of happiness within the family home using anecdotes from his own experiences in this lecture.

AbdelRahman Murphy – Two Faced: Overcoming Hypocrisy

With the rise of advanced technology and communication, we have found ourselves in a state where we spend a lot of our time engaging in idle talk. This has opened DOORS to a lot of different influences coming together, making slander and gossip much more commonplace. Apathy towards the consequences of these sins has contributed … Read more