Abdullah al Andalusi – Should Muslims embrace Democracy?

Democracy and Islam – is there a clash? Abdullah al Andalusi debates Amedee Turner on whether democracy clashes with Islam, and whether it is something the people should even strive for in their countries. 31st March 2011 University of Greenwich

Abdullah al Andalusi – How Jesus and Muhammed are Brothers in the same Faith

The lecture presentation presents the surprising, if not shocking similarities between Christianity and Islam. The facts presented that would demonstrate that Islam is no more foreign to Western Europe than Christianity is! The many similarities between the two religions include the early rituals and practices of Christians, as well as the alleged teachings of Jesus … Read more

Abdullah al Andalusi – Is Islam a Threat to the West

On the 4th November 2010, the Cambridge Union held a debate entitled “This House believes Islam is a Threat to the West”. Muslim speakers include Abdullah al Andalusi and Idris Tawfik. Arguing that Islam is a Threat to the West, is prominent member of Stop the Islamification of Europe (SIOE), Stephen Gash.

Abdullah al Andalusi – Islam or Christianity

Which is the true religion of peace for the world today – Islam or Christianity? Date: 26th March 2010 Venue: Kingston College, University of London Debate Speakers: Reverend Jay Smith Abdullah al Andalusi