Ali Hammuda – Dunya Under Honest Lenses

Have you ever been in a dilemma regarding your role in the dunya and akhirah? Obviously you say akhirah takes precedence over dunya? But does it? Did you not realize that before the dunya was infinity? After also infinity? Between the two is the dunya and us in it. So how can you enter Jannah … Read more

Ali Hammuda – Glimpses From The Life Of Ibrahim (PBUH)

How is one to behave with non-Muslim/irreligious parents? How should one react if one’s advice is harshly rejected? What is the nature of the ‘sound heart’?

Ali Hammuda – Six Causes Of Regret

The main headings of this Friday sermon: 1) An introduction to the topic of regret 2) Regret and the Day of Judgement 3) Six matters that will bring major regret on the Final Day 4) A suggested action plan to deal with these six causes.

Ali Hammuda – Your Lawyers On The Day Of Judgement

Whilst many of us may not have the finances to hire the best lawyers for the hearings of today, doing so for the hearing of tomorrow has been made feasible even to those of humblest means. This talk draws our attention to several matters which, if applied with seriousness, will cause intercessors to speak on … Read more

Ali Hammuda – Low Iman – Reintroduce yourself to Allah

As the events of life unfold at a frightening pace, as the demands of life only ever seem to grow, and as the pressures on the average Muslim of the 21st century increase, it is not uncommon to hear people complaining of weakening Iman (faith). Much like everything else in life, if one’s Iman isn’t … Read more