Faith IQ – If Islam Wasn’t Spread By The Sword, Why So Many Battles

There are some standard questions that people come at you with, and this is definitely one of them. Before we worry about finding the right answer, let’s look at why people are asking a wrong question. Empires rise and fall, but religions and empires must be viewed independently in order to see objectively. Shaykh Hasib … Read more

Faith IQ – Is Depression A Sign Of Low Imaan

Depression, sadness, pain… There are all true feelings one encounters. There is a point in everyone’s life when they go through sadness. Is it okay to be sad? What about being in pain from a certain incident? Does any of it affect our imaan? Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed explains.

Faith IQ – Why Are Some Stories In The Qur’an Incomplete

The Qur’an is the single greatest book. It discusses everything that one needs. One of the ways Allah (SWT) teaches us lessons is through stories. However, many of these stories are incomplete or are dispersed in different places in the Qur’an. Is there a reason for this? Shaykh Mohammed Mana explains

Faith IQ – Is It Haraam To Feel Attached To A Nation

Is it haram to feel attached to a nation? What is the concept of Nationalism in the view of Islam? What are the rulings on this? Is it Islamic or un-Islamic? can a middle path be adopted? When and towards whom should my loyalty be ? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi extrapolates answers and gives us answers.

Faith IQ – When Should My Children Start Wearing Hijab

There is no one rule that will apply to every young girl in general. Working towards that it though, how we approach hijab for our children needs to be way more than a box to check off in our parenting to-do list. Hijab is not the end-all of achievements for a Muslim woman. It is … Read more

Faith IQ – When Did The Adhan Become The Call To Prayer

When the Muslim community migrated to Madinah, they faced all sorts of new questions – like when exactly is prayer time over here? So the Prophet ï·º gathered the companions to discuss the matter. Some suggested using a bell like the Christians, or a horn like the Jewish community, but neither were from the traditions … Read more

Faith IQ – How Do I Deal With Suicidal Thoughts

How do we deal with thoughts of suicide? The first step is to call out the handiwork your most mortal enemy – Shaitaan – and put suicidal thoughts in their place. They are suggestions of self-destruction from someone who swore to make you destroy yourself through any means possible. Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed shares her insight.