Faith IQ – Why Did The Prophet (PBUH) Accept Unfair Terms

During the time of the Prophet (PBUH), the Muslims were denied entry into Makkah preventing them from performing Umrah unless they signed a treaty. There were several unfair terms in this treaty, yet the Prophet (PBUH) signed despite that. Why did the Prophet do so? Shaykh Hasib Noor sheds light on this issue.

Faith IQ – Is The Story Of The Spiders And Doves In Ghar Thawr Authentic

The majority of us have heard the story about the Prophet (PBUH) and the spider that had supposedly saved him from the people of Quraysh. However, is this famous story authentic or not? Shaykh Hasib Noor discusses.

Faith IQ – I Travel For Work, How Do I Keep A Strong Relationship With My Children

A lot of parents nowadays have a job in which it requires them to travel constantly. Our children are an important aspect of our lives. How can one maintain a strong relationship with their children even though they might not see them often due to working? Shaykh Yahya Adel Ibrahim explains

Faith IQ – How Do I Control My Anger With My Children

Kids will always be kids. We all know that. However, there are times in which a parent finds it difficult to keep their cool when dealing with their children after the child has done something wrong. How can one ensure to keep their temper under control when dealing with their children? Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair explains

Faith IQ – My Parent Want Me To Remove Hijab For My Job & Safety

We live in a world where we as Muslims are being constantly targeted due to the actions of certain extremists. Parents living in the West begin to worry for their children. Some parents go to the extent of telling their daughters to remove their hijab to avoid any controversy or risk losing their job. How … Read more

Faith IQ – Can I Begin Fasting 6 Days Of Shawwal Prior To Making Up My Fasts

If one has fasts to make up from this past Ramadan, must they attend to those first before fasting the six days of shawwal? Shaykh Abu Eesa answers