Fatima Barkatulla – Allah Loves His Female Servants

Anyone who reads and studies the Qur’an properly will find just how much Allah loves his female servants. Here are just a few examples discussed by Ustadha Fatima Barktulla.

Fatima Barkatulla – Kids Need Fathers

It seems ludicrous that we even have to say it, but KIDS NEED FATHERS. Fathers are not just a spare part, and their presence and involvement is essential to enriching a child’s development – girls & boys. In this clip, Fatima Barkatulla highlights the importance of dads and some of the consequences of dads not … Read more

Fatima Barkatulla – The Cure To All Sin

If sinning is a disease of the heart, what is the cure? How do you stop yourself being sucked into an endless cycle of sin…are there any means prescribed by the Qur’an and Sunnah? In this talk, you will learn about 5 keys that protect us from sin.

Fatima Barkatulla – Does Islam Need Feminism 2018

Should Muslim women be feminists? Should we adopt that label or is it problematic? What is the history of feminism? How do we respond to claims that Islam is a patriarchal religion? These and other topics explored in this lecture by Fatima Barkatulla.

Fatima Barkatulla – Raising Believers

This workshop for parents was delivered in Kuala Lumpur in 2014. Download the PDF parents’ worksheet accompanying this talk HERE: What are some of the means that Islam recommends that parents take, in their journey to raise Believers, to raise Mu’minoon? How can you use stories to impart important lessons to children? Download the PDF … Read more

Fatima Barkatulla – How to achieve what seems IMPOSSIBLE

Fatima Barkatulla reveals her 8 step formula for achieving what seems impossible! Is there something you really want to do in life but it feels too difficult? Maybe it is making a certain amount of money, or reaching a certain weight or memorising the Quran. Sometimes the things we want the most can feel impossible … Read more

Fatima Barkatulla – Keep Sisterhood Alive

What is sisterhood in Islam and how do we practically speaking, keep our Sisterhood alive? Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla gives practical advice from the Qur’an and Sunnah as to how to keep sisterhood strong & vibrant and how to avoid pitfalls in our relationships with our sisters in Islam.

Fatima Barkatulla – Holding onto Hot Coals

CARDIFF 2016, This lecture took place online in the aftermath of some terrorist attacks in Paris. It was broadcast live to a mosque in Cardiff, UK, to an audience of Muslim women.

Fatima Barkatulla – Are you Really Establishing the Salah

Have you really established the prayer? What is the importance of the five daily prayers – Salah – in Islam and how can you make sure you are fulfilling your prayers in the best way possible. This lecture is a wake up call for each individual. It will show you how to evaluate and work … Read more