Hasib Noor – Virgin Mary – Islamic Version

Mary is one of the most important and righteous women in Islam. She is mentioned in the Quran more than in the New Testament. But how similar is her position in Islam to Christianity? And what else does Islam tell us about her? Shaykh Hasib Noor looks in to what Islam tells us about the … Read more

Hasib Noor – Story of Adam and Eve

Islam, Christianity and Judaism all teach that Adam (PBUH) and Eve were the first humans created by God and all humans have descended from them. But does Islam believe in the concept of original sin? Did Eve eat from the tree first? Find out in this lecture by Shaykh Hasib Noor on the Islamic story … Read more

Hasib Noor – Moses and the Red Sea

Moses (PBUH) is mentioned more in the Qur’an than any other individual, and his life is narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet. Learn about the story of his crossing the red sea in this lecture by Shaykh Hasib Noor.

Hasib Noor – Reviving The Prophetic Legacy

Over 1400 years ago divine guidance was revealed to the beloved prophet (saw) which still remains relevant to our context today. We need to understand and revive the legacy that transformed the ethical framework for millions. This talk tackles how the prophetic legacy can be revived for Muslims living in the West. Shaykh Hasib Noor … Read more

Hasib Noor – Jesus – Son of Mary

In Islam, Jesus is understood to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of God (Allah) and therefore holds great importance in the Islamic faith. But how similar and/or different is the Islamic version of the story of Jesus from that of the Christian tradition? This lecture by Shaykh Hasib Noor looks to share the Islamic … Read more