Jonathan Brown – Islam and the Problem of Slavery

This is the first in three pieces on the question of Islam and slavery. It demonstrates that the very term slavery is so ambiguous as to be functionally useless for the purposes of discussing extreme domination and exploitation across history. It should be conditions of extreme exploitation that are focused on, not shifting terms. The … Read more

Jonathan Brown – The Sahifa of Imam Reza

Centrepiece of Confessional Ambiguity The confessional ambiguity between the spheres of Sunnism and Shiaism at various points in Islamic history is well known. But what is surprising is to see it appear among those Sunni scholars most known for antipathy towards Shiaism, such as the Ahl al-Hadith of the eighth-twelfth centuries CE. This presentation will … Read more

Jonathan Brown – Sharia and Law of the Land

Dr. Brown gave the talk on December 26th, 2016 at the 15th MAS ICNA Convention (Chicago, Illinois) “Islam respects the law of the land and the local cultures and traditions, but are there restrictions? Are all man-made laws violating shariah law? What should Muslims do when the law of the land and shariah come into … Read more