Mansoor Danish – Who should be our Role Model?

“The best people are those living in my generation, and then those who will follow them, and then those who will follow the latter…”( Sahih Bukhāri) Ofcourse we all need role models to guide us through the day. But the best role models are the Prophets and what the Qur’an has to say! It’s not … Read more

Mansoor Danish – Who is your Role Model?

Abu Yahya Mansoor Danish was invited by HUDA TV as a special guest for this talk show featuring Brothers Asif Saleem and Almir. The talk show entitled ‘A Time to Please Allah’ In this talk show, they discuss about the importance of having role models- Islamic Role Models.

Mansoor Danish – Hijab and Its Obligations

Abu Yahya Mansoor Danish was invited by HUDA TV as a special guest for this talk show featuring Brothers Ismail Bullock and Gabriel Roomani The talk show entitled ‘A Time to Please Allah’ In this talk show, they discuss about Hijab and Its Obligations

Mansoor Danish – Consequences of Engaging in Riba

Mansoor Danish, Islamic Wealth Consultant and Lecturer and Supervisor with Islamic Online University speaks on the Consequences of engaging in RIba briefly? In today’s time when interest, usury and profit is used inter-changeably, it becomes imperative for Muslims to know the line of difference amongst these three terms. Once we know what Riba is, it … Read more

Mansoor Danish – Can we hide income to pay LESS taxes and Effects of Demonetisation

Mansoor Danish speaks on the issue of hiding income to pay Lower Taxes and the recent Demonetisation issue and exchanging money with lower value.

Mansoor Danish – Instant Triple Talaq Bill & New Year Celebrations

Is uttering Instant Triple Talaq valid in Islam? How do the Muslim view the new Triple Talaq Bill passed in the Indian Lok Sabha. The recent Triple Talaq Bill has created uproar in the country with many questioning its validity and logic. If the Supreme Court already made the instant Triple Talaq null and void, … Read more