Muhammad Alshareef – How To Be An Outstanding Husband And Wife

Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef shares with his listeners many pearls of wisdom in this lecture. The target audience is, of course, Muslim brothers. But this lecture is incredibly beneficial for sisters as well. There is a great deal of insight that both husbands and wives can benefit from. It is comprised of a series of techniques … Read more

Muhammad Alshareef – Desert Rose

This is a powerful soul session by Muhammad Alshareef covering stories from the Mekkan period of the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In this emotional talk, Muhammad al-Shareef speaks about the trials and hardships of the worlds most influential person, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Muhammad Alshareef – Essentials Of Dawah

The Dawah techniques suggested in this presentation are based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. By this virtue alone, this lecture is a gold mine for anyone who takes the duty of giving dawah seriously. One technique described by the speaker is to use fear and hope. Fear and hope is a theme used consistently throughout … Read more