Muhammad West – History of Islam in South Africa – Episode 01

Shaykh Muhammad West discusses the heritage of South African muslims He takes us on a journey that began in 1492 an important date for Muslims to remember. What’s interesting is the fact that it all began with spices! Do take the time to listen to this talk that sets the tone for the rest of … Read more

Muhammad West – How will I answer Allah when he asks me about the Rohingya

With more than a million Burmese muslims facing a genocide we ask what is our response as the muslim ummah of the world and how can I as an individual do something.

Muhammad West – End of the world and the 10 major signs of Qiyama

With the end of times fast approaching most of the minor signs of the Hour have already come to pass. We discuss the 10 major events preceding the day of Judgment and how the world will come to an end.

Muhammad West – A Journey through the Heavens and Beyond

Join Sh Muhammad West as we take a cosmic ride through the 7 samaawaat and beyond, retracing the epic journey undertaken by the Prophet (S) on the Miraj