Quranic Gems – Juz 05

It has been almost 6 months since Ramadan. Are you remembering Allah the same way as you did in Ramadan? Are you still attending the masjid like you did in Ramadan? Ethics of Wealth & Money [Juz 5] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 04

Allah will never give us a challenge that we cannot overcome. Every difficulty we face is custom tailored to our capacity to handle it. How to Attain Goodness from Allah [Juz 4] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 03

Allah will never give us a challenge that we cannot overcome. Every difficulty we face is custom tailored to our capacity to handle it. Understanding Trials & Difficulties [Juz 3] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 02

Are we remembering Allah the same way as we did in Ramadan? Are we still attending the masjid like we did in Ramadan? Do you worship Ramadan or Allah? [Juz 2] – Nouman Ali Khan

The Superstars Series – EP13 Love

The Superstars of Islam: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq was not only the first leader after the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he was also the best friend, closest ally, and a pillar of support through out the Prophet’s mission. Among the various attributes he possessed, his love for the Messenger surpassed all others. … Read more

The Superstars Series – EP12 Justice

The Superstars of Islam: Umar ibn Al-Khattab was also one of the 10 who were promised Paradise. He is 2nd only to Abu Bakr when it comes to piety and taqwa. He is one of the most just rulers this world has ever seen, praised by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Umar ibn Al-Khattab (#Justice) – … Read more

The Superstars Series – EP11 Modesty

The Superstars of Islam: ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan was one of the 10 companions of Prophet Muhammad who were promised Paradise. He was known for his extreme modesty and abstinence from alcohol and unlawful relations with women even before Islam was introduced to him. Uthman ibn Affan (#Modesty) – Omar Suleiman

The Superstars Series – EP10 Trust Allah

The Superstars Series: Ali ibn Abu-Talib was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was one of the 10 companions promised Paradise and also the 4th caliph of Islam. This video highlights his extreme trust and reliance in Allah. Ali ibn Abu-Talib (#TrustAllah) – Omar Suleiman

The Superstars Series – EP09 Excellence

[The Superstars Series] Continuing with our coverage of the 10 Companions promised Paradise by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Talha ibn Ubaidullah (radiAllahu anhu) was one of those who accepted Islam very early on and he experienced all of the struggles, torture, and battles alongside the Prophet. Talha ibn Ubaidullah (#Excellence) – Omar Suleiman