Riyadul Haqq – Makkah & the Family of the Prophet Ibrahim AS Part 2

The main topics of this second lesson is the total obedience of Sayyiduna Ibrahim AS to the Commands of Allah. The trust of his wife Sayyidtuna Hajar RA an example to all mankind and Allah has commemorated her eternally through the act of running between Safa and Marwa.

Riyadul Haqq – Makkah & the Family of the Prophet Ibrahim AS Part 1

The position in Islam of the Prophet Ibrahim AS and his family is the main subject of this first lesson. Why is such importance attached to them? Who was the Prophet Ibrahim and where was he from? This lesson will highlight why we need to study this inspiring family that changed the course of mankind.

Riyadul Haqq – From Darknesses to Dawn A Tafsir of Surat ‘l Falaq

Surat Falaq is considered to be one of the most recited Surahs of the Noble Quraan. It is regarded as an extremely virtuous and blessed Surah and it is one of the best surats ever to be revealed. The Prophet SAW says, Allah has revealed two surahs to me this night, the likes of which … Read more

Riyadul Haqq – Contrasting Deeds & Destinies A Tafsīr Of Sūrat al-Layl

This lecture covers mostly the subject of the momentum of deeds and through it one comes to understand that no deed, good or bad should be taken lightly as all our deeds have a reaction. Other core subjects include: – Men and women as individuals – The fruits of true belief – Where breaking our … Read more

Riyadul Haqq – Allah, The One, The Unique A Tafsir of Surat ‘l Ikhlas

The core content of the Qurʾān can be classified as being related to one of three categories; either the Creator, the relationship between the Creator and the creation or the relationship between the creation and fellow creation. Surat Ikhlaṣ is related to the Creator, Allāh and His unique nature. For this reason, it is considered … Read more