Siraj Wahhaj – Get Rich Or Die Trying

“Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you. Until you visit the graveyards.” [Qur’an 102:1-2] Wealth, while one of the greatest blessings that mankind has been given, is at the same time one of the greatest trials and temptations. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran, “Your wealth and your children are only a trial. And Allah … Read more

Siraj Wahhaj – Choosing the Right Friends

In this lecture, Imam Siraj Wahhaj addresses the importance of choosing the right friends and the real extent to which friends can impact us. What are the consequences of bad companionship and the benefits of good companionship? What is some practical advice on what one should do if one doesn’t have good friends?

Siraj Wahhaj – Be Opposite to the Disbelievers!

Based on a seemingly trivial hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (P) said “Eat with your right hand”, this khutbah makes clear the profound position of the Prophet (P), the weightiness of his teachings, and the responsibility on those who claim to follow his message. Siraj Wahhaj’s “old school” fire and passion resurface in this brief … Read more

Siraj Wahhaj – Men in the Hood

In this lecture, Imam Siraj Wahhaj discusses what it means to be a Muslim man in an inner-city environment characterized by poverty, crime and the other well-known challenges existing in the typical American urban environment. He not only discusses what is needed from our brothers, but how he was able to lead an urban renewal … Read more