Tahir Wyatt – Du’aa In Ramadan P2 – Guidance And Success

Ali reported that Allah’s Messenger (ï·º) said to him, “Say, ‘O Allah, guide me and make me upright.’ When you mention guidance, keep in mind the right path and when you mention being upright, keep in mind the straightness of the arrow.

Tahir Wyatt – Du’aa in Ramadan – Introduction

There are four ayaat in the Qur’an directly pertinent to Ramadan, and they are mentioned in one passage in Surah al-Baqarah. In the middle of these ayaat that talk about the rulings of fasting, there is an ayah that encourages us to call upon Allah. The significance of that ayah and the importance of making … Read more

Tahir Wyatt – Fighting Your Desires Is Hard Work

This clip examines the notion that everyone can abandon prohibited acts. The speaker mentions that refraining from your desires requires hard work, and then discusses some of the things that may help you be a better servant of Allah. The clip is taken from the explanation of Hadith 09 entitled, “Obligations are According to Ability…”

Tahir Wyatt – He Wanted Guidance For Them (A Beautiful Story)

This clip covers the beautiful story of the mother of Abu Hurairah’s reversion to Islam. The clip is taken from the explanation of Hadith 09 entitled, “Obligations are According to Ability…”

Tahir Wyatt – Islam Only Requires You To Do What You Can

Is it okay for me to pick and choose what we want to do in Islam and leave the rest?! This clip answers that question and covers some important principles related to ability.

Tahir Wyatt – The Four Categories of Non-Muslims

This clip covers the pertinent question, should we fight the non Muslims? The speaker covers the four categories of non-Muslims and the ruling of each of them respectively. The clip is taken from the explanation of Hadith 08 entitled, “I have been commanded to fight the people…”

Tahir Wyatt – To Fast Or Not to Fast – Traveling In Ramadan

This clip discusses the different scenarios of fasting while traveling, including a look at some of the hadith on this topic that are often misunderstood.