Zaid Shakir – Relationship With Allah, Ourselves and People

Imam Zaid Shakir discusses a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) narrated by Abu Thar (RA), be mindful of Allah, a good action clears a misdeed, and treat people with good character.

Zaid Shakir – Reclaiming Our Legacy

Imam Zaid Shakir highlights reclaiming our legacy for an abandoned frontier, the community, people, and nation of Latin America (Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America), and impact of African Muslim interaction.

Zaid Shakir – LGBTQ and Islam – Our Approach

Imam Zaid Shakir discusses Islam’s stance on the LGBTQ issue and limits as Muslims, and in regards to the LGBTQ community. How, Muslim youth should interact with the LGBTQ community, including when their own Muslim friends identify as LGBTQ. He also explains how youth can be ambassadors of Islam while still respecting other communities.

Zaid Shakir – ISNA Convention 2018

Imam Zaid Shakir explains that Muslims should be ambassadors of peace starting with As Salaam Alaikum and to exemplify dignity at ISNA’s 55th Convention (Islamic Society of North America) entitled, “In God We Trust.”