Zaid Shakir – The Irony Of Democracy

The Irony of Democracy, can it be resolved? A Zaytuna Faculty Lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir. The Zaytuna Faculty Lecture Series presents lectures by Zaytuna College faculty members exploring a variety of contemporary topics.

Zaid Shakir – Why Muhammad Is Great

Imam Zaid Shakir discusses the noble historical role of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in light of the current events upon the release of a derogatory film depicting a negative image and how some Muslims have responded to it.

Zaid Shakir – Reflections On The Last Sermon

Topic: Reflections on the Last Sermon: Advice to Take Home The precious advice that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ gave humanity in his last Sermon (The Sermon of Farewell) shows how much Islam values and appreciates the concepts of social equality, brotherhood, individual liberty and mutual cooperation as a guiding light for humanity fourteen centuries ago. Join … Read more

Zaid Shakir – Sunni-Shia Hatred: A Disease We Must Fight

This Seekers Hub Study Circle will give you a deeper understanding of the centrality of love and mercy within Islam. Loneliness and isolation, Imam Zaid Shakir argues, have no place in an ummah of compassion and mercy. He also addresses Sunni-Shia aggression and hatred, which he describes as a disease we must fight. Students will … Read more

Zaid Shakir – You Are Destined For The Hereafter

This lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir focuses on the following verse of the Quran Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children like the example of a rain whose resulting plant growth pleases the tillers then … Read more