Zohra Sarwari – Raising Resilient Children

How do we empower our children so that they can go out and be whatever they want to be, and do whatever they would like to do, without compromising their identities, and maintain their vibrant personalities, despite all that’s going on in the world today? We asked Ustadha Zohra Sarwari these very questions at our … Read more

Zohra Sarwari – Modern Muslim Family

An all-powerful message by sister Zohra Sarwari who has home schooled her children, in regards to parenting the children with the right balance of dunya and akhirah. She shares her beautiful experiences and gives some practical tips to help the parents to motivate the children in learning the deen and applying it in their day-to-day life. … Read more

Zohra Sarwari – Modesty and Its path to Jannah

We bring to you the topic that most of our muslim brothers and sisters are striving with. : Modesty “Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Modesty is part of faith and faith is in Paradise…..” [Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2009] In this lecture, we want to bring to you … Read more

Zohra Sarwari – Are you Ready to Meet Allah

Bismillahir Rahmanee Raheem, my newest talk is out my dearest sisters and brothers. It is called ” Are you ready to Meet Allaah?” This talk was done right after a dear friend of mine passed away so it is emotional. Please do share. Jazak Allaah Khairan Zohra Sarwari