Daood Butt – 30 in 30 Daily Quran Explanation #25

In this lesson we learn about the 21st Juzz / Part of The Quran, which begins from verse 47 of Surah Fussilat (Explained in detail), Surah Al-Shooraa (The Consultation), Surah Al-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments), Surah Al-Dukhaan (The Smoke) and Surah Al-Jaathiyah (The Kneeling).

Items we cover are:
– Warning about not arguing over the Deen of Allah
– Some hardships we face are due to our sins
– Forgive or seek revenge? Which is better?
– The Mushrikoon admit Allah created everything
– Luxuries on Earth
– Allah instructs the Prophet (pbuh) to persevere
– Laylatul Qadr and the decree of Allah
– Smoke: A sign of the end of time
– The bob-believers would say that the only thing that destroys them is time (old age)