Daood Butt – 30 in 30 Daily Quran Explanation #26

In this lesson we learn about the 26th Juzz / Part of The Quran, which consists of Surah Al-Ahqaaf (The Curved Sand Hills), Surah Muhammad, Surah Al-Fath (The Victory), Surah Al-Hujuraat (The Dwellings), Surah Qaaf, and the first 30 verses of Surah Al-Dhaariyaat (The Winds that Scatter).

Items we cover are:
– Overlooking our sins
– Respecting parents
– How important is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
– The Greatest Victory
– When making decisions, put Allah and His Messenger first
– Verify information before spreading it
– Warning against mocking, teasing and insulting others
– Importance of glorifying Allah throughout the day and after finishing prayers
– Simple and easy guide to attaining Paradise