Haitham al-Haddad – Warning To The Students

Warning to the Students of Knowledge against Takfeer

Sheikh Haitham warns against the growing trend among students of knowledge to pronounce takfeer (disbelief) on Muslims without an adequate knowledge of the principles of the shariah, and without an adequate appreciation of difference of opinion.

Key Issues:

– Growing trend among students of knowledge to pronounce takfeer (disbelief) on Muslims based on their own assumptions.
– Lack of appreciation of other people’s opinions when they differ from our own.
– Example of a person praying after wiping over the socks while others believe this to be invalid.
– When differences of opinion occur choosing the scenario which offers the best conclusion for all involved.
– Difference of opinion not being considered when the opinion is shaadh (very rare or odd opinion).
– History of the Takfeer movement in Egypt.
Characteristics of the Takfeer movement in Saudi Arabia.
– Example of a Hanafi praying behind a Hanbali Imam who did not renew his wudhu after eating camel meat.