Maryam Lemu – Building a Beautiful Home

I believe strongly that if the relationship between us and our spouse is strong and we have shared values and goals for our marriage, it makes everything else possible including the biggest task we can possibly embark upon, parenting.

I share how critical it is to have a code of conduct for the marriage. Something like a 5 pillars or more for our marriage. Some non-negotiables. Values and principles that both couples must observe in order for the relationship to be strong.

Once those pillars are in place and one has no doubt that each partner will observe them, it makes it easier for everything else fall into place.

Then parenting in my opinion is the biggest responsibility we can ever take on.
Our children didn’t ask to be born. They are a gift to us from Allah, however, we chose to have them. We are responsible and will be held accountable for how we raised them and what gifts and seeds we planted in them.

Our children will often mirror what they see in the home.
Raise children in a home where they see God consciousness, love, compassion, great communication, laughter and peace.
Raise children to learn to be an asset to themselves and contribute to society.

May Allah grant us the ability to build a strong bond with our spouse and have shared goals.
May how we raise our children serve as a witness for us in the life to come.