Maryam Lemu – Rights and Responsibility of Men & Women in Islam

We went through the list of rights and responsibilities of both men and women in Isalm and talked about practical ways to fulfil our obligations to our spouse.

The Rights and Obligations of a Wife to her Husband are:
1. She is entitled to her dowry
2. An allowance
3. Accommodation/shelter
4. Equality
5. Protection
6. Love
7. Kindness
8. Respect
9. Knowledge

Her obligations to her Husband are:

1. Obedience
2. A halal relationship
3. She will not admit someone into the house that he does not want
4. She must seek his permission before she goes out
5. Love
6. Kindness
7. Respect

A Husband is entitled to the following by his Wife:
2. A halal relationship
3. She cannot admit someone into the house that he does not approve of
4. She has to seek his permission before leaving the home
5. She is meant to serve him

The rights and obligations of a Husband to his Wife are:
1. Doury
2. Allowance
3. Accommodation
4. Love
5. Kindness
6. Respect
7. Knowledge

May Allah grant us all the courage and desire to fulfil our obligations to our spouse and the ability to build a beautiful relationship. Amin.