Maryam Lemu – Shine Your Light Brightly – 2

We need to stop focusing on negatives and start finding solutions and being part of the solution. In this audio clip, I share a quote which I love very much that says: “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”. I also share another quote that goes: “You don’t need a title to lead” . We don’t need to wait for others to make the first move before we start playing our role. It just takes self motivation and personal leadership.

There is a lot of good in and around us if we just look for it. Let’s forward positive inspirational quotes, messages and videos. Let’s share good images and success stories of whats working. Lets inspire and uplift one another.

Short of having enough role models to choose from, many turn to sports stars, athletes, movie stars, musicians and reality TV stars as their heroes and role models.

We need to shine our light brightly so others can look up to us and emulate us. We need to learn how to connect with them, understand them, not judge them. We need to be able to inspire them and give them alternatives to what is out there.

Please ask yourself these important questions

1. How significant are you to others?
2. Whose lives are you touching?
3. What legacy are you hoping to leave behind and is it significant?
4. What do you want to be remembered for?
5. Is your presence felt?
6. Will your absence be noticed?
7. Who will cry when you die?