Mufti Menk – Fajr Reminder – The Heart

Masjid Taaleemul Islam
Lenasia, South Africa

The prophet s.a.w. says behold in the body is a piece of flesh which if good and pure the whole body will be good and pure and if dirty and diseased the whole body will be  dirty and diseased.

It is the hidden sins in the heart for eg jealousy, pride that are diseases that stem from syaitan. It is these diseases that are the original sins of syaitan. When Adam a s. was raised  in status syaitan asked “Why him? Why not me?” He disobeyed his Creator. He went out of his way to lead Adam astray.

Therefore avoid the wrongful path taken by syaitan by becoming conscious of the condition of our heart and be pleased for the goodness that comes others way.

We must think of others in the best way. Whatever you do may it be for Allah, to impress Allah and not ourselves so that Allah grants us a high level of interaction and connection with Him