Nouman Ali Khan – Quran Your Companion On The Day Of Judgement

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into a mesmerizing lecture that deals with the Qur’an being our companion in this life and the Hereafter. What qualifies in picking a worthy companion?

In the end of Surah Al Waqiah, Allah SWT takes an oath:

“So I swear by the setting of the stars.” (56:75)

The objects that Allah chooses to take oaths by in the Quran are very relevant. There’s always a purpose for choosing that specific object. What’s the purpose of choosing star-placements as the object of the oath in this passage? Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan mentions three functions of stars that clarify this purpose.

The functions of placements of stars in the sky: 

  1. Guidance
  2. Beautification
  3. Protection from Shaytan

Listen intently to fully fathom the explanations on these points and the seriousness of this and help yourselves to comprehend the lessons we need to imbibe and inculcate through this lecture.