Omar Suleiman – Angels in your Presence #28

This is episode 28 in the Angel series of Ramadhan 2020.

This is a unique time for Muslims globally. A time when the masajids are closed and we are relegated to perform our salah in our homes.

So now what? Well, turn your home into a place of prayer, of barakah, of blessing which is inviting to the mala’ikah and shunned by the shayateen naturally.

Invite the mala’ikah into your homes where Allah is worshipped often through the performance of  your salah and recitation of the quran. When you pray, in actuality you are surrounded by the angels sent by Allah; an angel will pray to your right, to your left, behind you; angels the size of mountains they are.

Thus take comfort knowing that notwithstanding the closure of the masajid, the angels are not barred from you.