Sajid Umar – Tafseer of Surah Yusuf Kalemah Dubai 2013 Part 4

This is the latest Tafseer of Surah Yusuf, presented by Sheikh Sajid Umar with Kalemah Dubai during 2013.

The outline of the course was structured based on an intensive weekend programme and tweaked to be covered in just a few hours, nonetheless the Tafseer of Surah Yusuf has many thought provoking lessons -in the hundreds- that apply to us in this century

The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf highlights magnanimous lessons derived and extracted from the lives of Yusuf (AS), Ya’coob(as), the Brothers of Yusuf, and other characters in the Best of all Narrations. Journey through the life of a young boy thrown into a well, abducted and sold into slavery and then going on to become the Minister of Egypt.

Part 4 focuses on Ayah 1 and Ayah 2 of Surah Yusuf