Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #10

Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh – Lesson 10 Explanation of Taheel al-Fiqhi (Usul) & al-Waraqat Differed Upon Evidences: Practise of the People of Madinah (عمل أهل المدينة)Blocking the Means (سد الذرائع)Custom & Norms (العرف)Consideration of Differences (مراعاة الخلاف)

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #09

Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh – Lesson 9 Explanation of Taheel al-Fiqhi (Usul) & al-Waraqat Differed Upon Evidences –       Maslahah Mursalah/Public Interest –       Istihsan/Juristic Preference –       Istishab/Presumption of Continuity

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #08

Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh – Lesson 8 Explanation of Taheel al-Fiqhi (Usul) & al-Waraqat Differed Upon Evidences Fatwa/Opinion of a Companion Shariah’s of the previous Prophets

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #07

Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh – Lesson 7 Explanation of Ta’heel al-Fiqhi (Usul) & al-Waraqat Revision Qiyas: Introduction Definition Types of Qiyas & their Conditions How to Identify the Illah/Ratio Legis Is Qiyas a Proof?

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #06

Lesson 6 – Explanation of Ta’heel al-Fiqhi & al-Waraqat The Dhahir (manifest/dominant) ·       What is the default ruling? The Command The Prohibited The General (aam) The Specific (khas) The Absolute (mutlaq) The Restricted/qualified (muqayyid) 

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #05

Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh – Lesson 5 Explanation of Ta’heel al-Fiqhi (Usul) & al-Waraqat Revision Dalalah: Nass, Dhahir, Mujmal Mantuq (Sarih & non-Sarih) Mafhum (Muwafaqah & Mukhalafah)

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #04

Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh Explanation of Ta’heel al-Fiqhi (Usul) & al-Waraqat Lesson 4 Abrogation What is Naskh? What is the wisdom behind it? How many verses have been abrogated? What are the conditions of abrogation? How do we know abrogation has occurred? What are the types of abrogation? Ijma What’s the definition of Ijma? Is … Read more

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #03

Evidences of the Shariah Agreed Upon Evidences and Disagreed Upon Evidences Textual Evidences and Rational Evidences The Noble Quran Introduction and Overview of the Quran Dalalah of the Verses (Explicit and Non-Explicit Verses) Qira’ah al-Shadhah (Solitary Narrated Verses) The Prophetic Sunnah Definition of the Sunnah Classifying the Actions of the Prophet (saw) Authority of the … Read more

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #02

Hukm Taklifi: Fard/wajib (Obligatory) Mandub (Recommended) Haram (Prohibited) Makruh (Disliked) Mubah (Permissibile) Hukm Wad’i: Sabab (Reason) Shart (Condition) Mani’ (Impediment) Valid and Invalid Default and Concession Classification of Obligatory

Bilal Ismail – Usul al-Fiqh #01

Aims & Objectives Introduction to the Texts Definition of Usul al-Fiqh Three Focus Points Benefits of its study Imam al-Shafi and his work al-Risalah Ruling of its study Schools of Usul al-Fiqh (Methodologies) Difference between Usul al-Fiqh, Fiqh and Fiqh Maxims Revision Q & A