Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 12

This Mufti Menk lecture is about the verses of Surah Anfal and Surah At-Tawbah and the reasons for their revelation were disbelievers invoking Allah, love of Allah SWT for Muhammad SAW, true form of worshipping Allah, downfall of disbelievers against believers, instructions on no-pride-no-showoff and for participating in war, guidance on the captives of Badr, struggling in … Read more

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 11

Mufti Menk lectures about the verses of Surah Anfal and the reasons for their revelation were appropriate dress for salah, disbelief in Allah by Mushriks, falling into the trap, acceptance of dua on the day of badr, victory of badr, deceiving Allah and his messenger, favor of Allah on his messenger.

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 10

Mufti Menk continues about the prohibition of alcohol from Surah Maeedah and reasons of revelation from Surah Anam are also discussed. The situations being – affordability of hajj, false claim of prophet hood and changing the verses of Quran, greeting the poor, not to abandon the poor, associating partners with Allah, questioning signs of Allah, … Read more

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Connect to the Quraan

An enthusiastic qutbah in the second week of Ramadan motivating the Ummah to connect to the most powerful that exists i.e. word of Allah, “Quran” thereby citing ways steps to connect to the Quran which would lead to developing link, getting closer to Allah SWT and protecting from the veil whispers of the devil. It … Read more

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 9

This Mufti Menk episode records the reasons of revelations from surah Maeedah and also tells us one of the many ways to identify fabricated narrations. The occasions being repentance after committing sin, protection of Muhammad SAW, Allah cursing people of the book, state of the believers when they hear Quran, halal food, prohibition of alcohol.

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 8

This Mufti Menk talk records the reasons of revelations of Surah An-Nisaa’ and Surah Maeedah which are stated below. •Resolving marital disputes •Being just while solving a dispute and when you do not like people •Story of tayammum •Story of rock •Punishment for enaging in crime.

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 7

Mufti Menk Ramadan 2015 series continues with the verses of Surah An-Nisaa, its reasons and occasions of the revelations which are listed below. •Debate amongst believers, disobedience of Allah and his Messenger. •Resolving the matters when a believer commits a murder. •Priority given to disabled and reward of good intention. •Salat-ul-Khasr and Salat-ul-Khawf.

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 6

The verses and their reasons of revelations made mention of by Mufti Menk in this episode are from Surah An-Nisaa. The instances being – story of the key of Ka’aba, resolving matters amongst believers, companionship of Prophet SAW, obedience of Allah, death, response of hypocrites upon receiving any news. Ramadan 2015

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 5

This Mufti Menk talk mentions about the verses of Surah An-Nisaa and the reasons of their revelations. Surah An-Nisaa is named after women and it is named so because from the very beginning Allah SWT clarified rulings regarding women and instructing men not to deceive women. The details of the incidents mentioned are worth taking … Read more

Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 4

The verses and their reasons of revelations made mention of by Mufti Menk in this episode are from Surah Al-Imraan. Ramadan 2015. It is reported that there are several verses which were revealed repeatedly in order to make the guidance clear. One such verse revealed on different occasions is mentioned in this episode along with … Read more