Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – Types Of Calamities

“Amazed by the Quran”, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan draws a comparison between an ayah from Surah Hadid and Surah Taghabun. Tune in to understand part of the beauty of the Quran in its sensitivity to context.

Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – Be Careful!

“Amazed by the Quran”, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan draws a comparison between an ayah from Surah Maidah and Surah Taghabun. Please do listen to understand the perfection of what needs to be said on what occasion and why the Quranic verses being compared to the breeze.

Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – The Ultimate Success

“Amazed by the Quran”, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan draws a comparison between two ayahs from Surah Tawbah where in Allah SWT emphasizes in a subtle and beautiful way the power of the reward of the heaven. Tune in to explore the treasure and appreciate the perfection of the word of Allah.

Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – Breaking Idols

“Amazed by the Quran”, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan draws a comparison between an ayah from Surah Hajj and Surah Luqman. An understanding of restoring the integrity of house and two exclusive instances about breaking the idols in the Islamic history are illustrated.

Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – Allah Hears And Knows

An awe-inspiring, short-timed series, educating us about the comparison between two ayat that are almost the same and are only differentiated with a very subtle distinction. In this introductory episode, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan draws a comparison between an ayah from Surah Aaraf and Surah Fussilat. Tune in to find Allah’s commandments in responding to … Read more