Nouman Ali Khan – The Devil’s Final Ultimatum

Nouman Ali Khan delves into the final dialogue of Iblees. Shaytan is the ultimate enemy we have and is a relentless and pertinent one we have till the end of time. How is the devil going to come at us and pull us under his wing? Some of the origins of the word Shukr are … Read more

Nouman Ali Khan – How The Devil Attacks From The Left

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan elaborates on how Satan attacks us from the left side. The basic idea that is postulated by the scholars is that right is associated with the good and left is for that which is bad which means it makes us lazy, delaying doing good things, etc. What keeps us connected to … Read more

Nouman Ali Khan – How The Devil Attacks From The Right

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan elaborates explicitly on how the Devil attacks us from the right direction. The Shaytan attacks from the right by: Convincing you that you own your guidance. So you start to pity others, deviating away from your own guidance and focusing on theirs. Ultimately believing you are the source of guidance and … Read more

Nouman Ali Khan – How The Devil Pulls Us back

How the devil pulls us back In his previous talk the venerated Sheikh talked about how the syaitan attacks us from the front. In this talk he tells us how the syaitan attacks us from the back. One of the easiest ways syaitan achieves this is by his whispers. We may think that it’s our … Read more

Nouman Ali Khan – When The Devil Attacks Head On

Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan Our beloved Sheikh in this khutbah talks about one of the attacks of Iblis stated in Surah 7. Iblis here swore he will absolutely come at us from in front of us and behind us. Which basically means he’s attacking head on- literally in front of us, the literal meaning … Read more

Nouman Ali Khan – The Devil’s Motive

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan makes us get goosebumps just by listening to his lecture on the Devil’s Motive. In this talk, we comprehend how Shaytaan is sitting to attack us! How ungrateful he is and wants us to be the same. We need to realize that we must always be grateful for the organs, food, … Read more

Nouman Ali Khan – The Devil’s Obsession with Comparison

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delivers an amazing lecture that deals with the Devil’s obsession with comparison. Lessons from this lecture: Iblees said that he is better than Adam (AS) since he is made from fire and Adam (AS) from clay, which led to Shirk. As it is Allah who decides who is better than anyone … Read more