Quranic Gems – Juz 21

The fact that so many skin colors and languages came from a single male and a single female (Adam and Hawa) is a miraculous sign of Allah. A Muslim is Not Racist [Juz 21] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 20

Whatever trauma, pain, or anguish you are suffering from, know that Allah can and will intervene and give you peace in your mind and in your heart. Healing for Emotional Suffering [Juz 20] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 19

Allah informs us of the regret we will feel on the Day of Judgment over choosing friends that harm our Hereafter. Importance of Good Company [Juz 19] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 18

For the believers who spread shamelessness and vulgarity, by actively taking part in it or even spreading it to others with their tongue, Allah says that they will have a punishment in this life and the next. Muslims Who Spread Immorality [Juz 18] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 17

Allah tells us about a person who is satisfied with Islam and Allah as long as his life is good. However, if a trial or calamity befalls him, he turns back on his faith as if he never believed in Allah to begin with. Allah says that this person has lost his dunya (worldly life) … Read more

Quranic Gems – Juz 16

Wasting or neglecting the salah (prayer) and leaving the commandments of Allah for our own desires, ultimately leads to deviation in faith and Ghayyun (a cave in Hell with severe punishment). What Leads to Deviation & Hellfire? [Juz 16] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 15

Allah instructs us to never utter a future plan or action without adding “in sha Allah” (if Allah wills). Unfortunately, we use this expression loosely or when we are not serious about going through with a plan. Juz 15 [Quranic Gems] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 14

When you recite the Qur’an, Satan will come and try to put you to sleep, he will put evil thoughts in your head, and remind you about the 20 other things you have to do. So start reciting by saying, “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan-ir-rajeem” (I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed). Seek Refuge … Read more

Quranic Gems – Juz 13

If we show Allah just a little bit of gratitude, He tells us, ‘I will increase you, and increase you, and increase you, I swear to it. If you could only show Me the least bit of gratitude. Stop Complaining & Be Grateful [Juz 13] – Nouman Ali Khan