Quranic Gems – Juz 11

All authority, respect, honor, and dignity undoubtedly belongs to Allah. No one will ever successfully disrespect Him. And we had better know that Allah owns whoever is in the skies and whoever is on the earth; He owns all of them. So Allah will deal with them. Those Who Insult Allah [Juz 11] – Nouman … Read more

Quranic Gems – Juz 10

Everyone has something that they can contribute to Islam. Whether you have a lot of money or a little, a lot of knowledge or no knowledge, a lot of talent or very little talent, march forward for Allah and His religion. What You Can Contribute to Islam [Juz 10] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 09

Don’t condemn other Muslims who are committing sins to Hell. We don’t have such authority and Allah will definitely ask us why we abandoned them, condemned them, and why we did not try to advise them. Don’t Give Up on Others [Juz 9] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 08

When it comes to treatment of our parents, Allah does not accept a small effort, a mediocre effort, or even a good effort. When it comes to treatment of our parents, Allah has one word: Ihsan (perfection, excellence, the very best)! Parents in Islam [Juz 8] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 07

There will come a time when filth will become acceptable. But no matter how acceptable and common it becomes in society, don’t forget that the filthy and the good and pure will never be equal in the sight of Allah. Filth vs Good & Pure [Juz 7] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 06

Allah created us so that He could show us His love and mercy. If only we show a little gratitude and faith, then Allah Himself is appreciative towards His creation. Don’t Lose Hope in Allah’s Love & Mercy [Juz 6] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 05

It has been almost 6 months since Ramadan. Are you remembering Allah the same way as you did in Ramadan? Are you still attending the masjid like you did in Ramadan? Ethics of Wealth & Money [Juz 5] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 04

Allah will never give us a challenge that we cannot overcome. Every difficulty we face is custom tailored to our capacity to handle it. How to Attain Goodness from Allah [Juz 4] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 03

Allah will never give us a challenge that we cannot overcome. Every difficulty we face is custom tailored to our capacity to handle it. Understanding Trials & Difficulties [Juz 3] – Nouman Ali Khan

Quranic Gems – Juz 02

Are we remembering Allah the same way as we did in Ramadan? Are we still attending the masjid like we did in Ramadan? Do you worship Ramadan or Allah? [Juz 2] – Nouman Ali Khan